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Gasoline analysis system for vehicle


Gasoline analysis system for vehicle

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Execution standard:
17930-2006 GB "car with gasoline"
18351-2004 GB "car with ethanol gasoline"
0663-1998 SH/T determination of alcohols and ethers in gasoline
0693-2000 SH/T "determination of aromatic hydrocarbons in gasoline"
Significance and application:
Production of lead free gasoline is to improve the environmental pollution of lead in the vehicle emissions. The addition of ethers and alcohols and other oxygenated compounds in gasoline can increase the octane number and decrease the volatility. The types and concentrations of the added oxygenated compounds are provided, and shall be adjusted, so as to ensure the quality of the goods to meet the requirements of the quality of the goods. Drivers, vapor pressure, phase separation, automobile exhaust emissions and volatile emissions of vehicles have a certain relationship with the fuel oxygen compounds. Therefore, the accurate detection of oxygenated compounds has important significance for the quality of gasoline.
In addition, the content of benzene and toluene is also very important for the quality of gasoline.
Method overview:
Oxygen containing compounds analysis: the internal standard ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DME) are added to the sample, the first to enter the TCEP pre column, light hydrocarbon vent, and then switch between methyl cyclopentane and methyl tert butyl ether, containing oxygen compounds into the wcot columns, stay out of the TERT amyl methyl ether, anti blowing heavy hydrocarbon components.
Analysis of benzene and toluene: the standard 2 - cyclohexanone are added to the sample, the first to enter the TCEP pre column, vent C9 and lighter than the C9 aromatics and benzene outflow before switching, let benzene, toluene, 2 - cyclohexanone into the wcot columns, stay out of the 2 - cyclohexanone, then blowing the remaining components (C8 and above the C8 aromatics and C10 and C10 above non aromatic)